Write a C++ program with a linked list that represents a list of students' information (name,ID,grade and result) in a specific course ordered by ID.(Hint:you MUST create 3 classes:Student,NodeandList).
Add the following member function/ method to the List class:
-InsertNode function / method which inserts a new student to the list.
-DeleteNodefunction / method which deletesa specific student from the list.
-SetGradefunction / method whichsetsthe grade toasuitable Node depending on the received ID.
-ComputeResultfunction / method which checks if the grade greater than or equal to 60 thenthe result variable will be "pass", otherwise"failed".
-DisplayList function / method which prints the ID and result for each student in the list.

In the main function/ method:
-Create a new list called mathStudents.
-Insert 5 students to mathStudents list.
-Delete a student with specific ID given by the user from the mathStudents list.
-Get the grade for each ID then call setGrade function / method. (do that for all students)
-Call the ComputeResult function / method.
-Call the DisplayList function / method.

liinnaالبرمجة-الجامعات-السي بلس بلس-الكمبيوتر والإنترنت
