وشكرا *-*

complete the sentences With the correct form of the verb.

1 Recently Maha has started ............... More healthily.(eat)

2 But Maha tends ............hungry in the middle of the day . (get(

3 she has considered ......some snacks with her to school. (take)

4 she doesn't mind ............ Fast food . (give up)

5 her mother threatend .......no pastries but luckily she was joking ! (make)

6 her mother also suggested .............. the salads at school (try)

7 maha misses ........ Fried food at the school canteen (eat)

8 I promised .................. Maha and eat salad together with her at lunchtime. (help)

9 we enjoy ............... Whilst we eat together . (chat)

Both of us have managed ............ Five kilos now . (lose)

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