In the name of God

I begin by thanking you to open the subject ... After:

Money is the fuel of any act of charity contributes to the development of society, and without it may be difficult to exercise this action role as hoped , but the flow of funds from donors to charitable projects is not easy , but needs to be an organized effort of the student donation , where persuading his project is funded by the donor in order to either an individual or an institution .

* Draft :
Personal investment .. special development of the nation in general .

* What is going to do with money :
Will be buying a new car and complete the construction of a house and expenses in the holy month of Ramadan this year, and aid to orphans thank goodness .

* Who is the donor ?
The household sector and individuals the main source of most of the donations in the Arab and Islamic world and the most prominent sources of funding associated with the individuals and families are: ALMS , and Zakat al-Fitr , and alms and endowments and bequests .

* Why :
- Why do I need a fundraiser ?
I have a clear goal of this combination , but I do not have enough money .

* What are / is :
1 - What is the use of investment or financing ?
Business venture simple addition to the previously mentioned .
2 - What is the estimated amount required or collected or get it?
Between 450 thousand to 500 thousand riyals ( nearly half a million riyals ) just do not work .
3 - What is the slogan of the campaign ?
Away from the article .. and close to reality
Walk together to provide the needs of the members of the community
Your materials will accept whatever kind
- Do not be shy to give a little ashamed .. Deprivation first - .

* When:
- When will finish the campaign and will depend published?
When it is required to collect the full amount .

If everyone gave 30 rials , for example, would be hurt ? !
God Almighty Ahacpk without the intention to pay attention to the goals of others from their applications from you ,

Thank all of you will contribute a little .. and if you will be proud of his work , we will be sustained in order to achieve the purpose .

Mr. / ( Saudi man just wants a better future )

Account No. 04163954000105 at NCB

Account Number International
SA10 1000 0004 1639 5400 0105

Post leases and thanks .. Please
You can contact to find out more details here or e-mail h.zayr @
Very sorry to prolongation .. but frankly comfort
Place your trust in my
