What is the truth winged bull , a creature in the sky cosmic neighborhood?
I swear with all my religious beliefs and I was now a Christian and you are a Muslim at birth I watched the winged bull in 2003 in the summer after the middle of the night I slept in the roof of the house and I was awake watching the stars and the sky , and I lived in the city of Kazimiyah , Baghdad, Iraq saw the light of red coming from afar, so I think it's a plane , but when he approached and became almost the skies above my house I saw was move his head and looked at me and I'm at the bottom and standing watch him did not move its wings during flight , but was its wings fixed , such as the wings of the plane and was illuminates Baldao red and then pulled away even missed in the sky

rafid1977 (Rafid Ahmed)Google إجابات
