مين يقدر يساعدني في حل هذا السؤال وله كل الشكر لاني حاولت احلة ماطلع الرن
The UML class diagram given below shows an inheritance relationship between two classes. The superclass (Employee) defines the basic information needed to describe any employee. The subclass represents a special kind of employees who is paid a percentage of their sales value. Your answer should also include a test class that defines two objects one of each class using the following data: (Name : Noha Ahmed, SSN : 1234567) (Name : Fedaa Hussien, SSN : 23748790, gross sales: 459 SR, rate: 21%) And display their data including their salary.

بدون اسمالبرمجة-المواقع والبرامج-الكمبيوتر والإنترنت
