Alex: That's not entirely true, Maurice. My campaign also appealed to
the poor... who were too stupid to understand what I'm saying, so I held
up pretty pictures and then I gave out candy bars to appeal to their
most base insticts. Thanks Maurice. I'm glad to be given this
opportunity to set the record straight.

Maurice: I haven't given you any opportunity yet, my heartless friend.
Let me introduce my other guest first.

Alex: I hope this isn't going to get personal. I love Vice City more
than anyone, and I can proove it.

Maurice: Yes, that's coming from the man who got elected by calling his
opponent a "buffalo butt" and a fat, hen-pecked wimp that couldn't fight
his way out of a wet, paper bag. Anyway, our next guest is from the
opposite end of the political spectrum. A man so wet, he looks like he
just stepped out of the shower. Peace Corps activist, hippie concert
taper, founder of the group "Speaking for the Underdog". He is fluent
in seven languages and studied the harp in Peru: Callum Crayshaw.

Callum: Hi Maurice! Hola. Buenos dias and noches. Bonjour and
buongiorno. Wilkommen. Hallo, hello, hi!

Maurice: Uhhehehe... Let's stick to English. Most of us struggle enough
with that. Welcome to Pressing Issues... And lastly, we have a man with
a noble solution to the problems of public safety in Vice City. A
solution so stupid, I cannot bring myself to explain it for him. Yet,
like break dancing, it is sadly catching on. A man who appears on this
fine show because our previous know-it-all panelist was car-jacked and
is now at home arming himself to the teeth. I give you John F. Hickory.

seed of culture (ahmed Elsayed)الهندسة المعمارية
